Murphy School of Dance

Enrollment Forms

Murphy School of Dance
Fall Registration Form 2017-2018
(Please print clearly)
Student Name ______________________________ Age _________ Birthdate___ __________
Parent Name _________________________________ Email ___________________________
Street Address ______________________________________ City/State __________________
Zip Code _____________ School Name _______________________________Grade ________
Home Phone _________________ Work Phone __________________ Cell # _______________
Emergency Contact Name __________________________________ Phone ________________
Health Considerations ____________________________________________________________
Previous Dance Training (if other than MSOD. If beginner mark “none”) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred communication method: Mail ( ) Phone ( ) Email ( ) Facebook ( ) Will you be following us on Facebook? ______ (please note that we use our Facebook page frequently for important updates.)
Dance Classes: Please mark ONLY the classes you are enrolling in. You may note other classes possibly “interested” in at the bottom of the class lists. Classes are divided by age/ability level.
[ ] Tap/Ballet Combo (ages 3 to 8, 1 hour) [ ] Tap/Jazz Combo (ages 7 & older, 1 hour)
[ ] Hip Hop (ages 6 & older, 45 min) [ ] Tap Only (ages 12 & older, 45 min)
[ ] Jazz Only (ages 12 & older, 45 min) [ ] Ballet Technique (ages 7 & older)
[ ] Pointe (must also be in current ballet technique class with previous ballet and summer pre-pointe)
[ ] Lyrical - Petite (ages 8 to 10) [ ] Intermediate Lyrical (11-16) [ ] Senior Lyrical (12 & older)
(Prerequisite for all lyrical levels - Concurrent ballet technique class enrollment)
[ ] Tumbling/Acro (ages 3 & older) Classes possibly interested in:____________________________
To complete your registration, please fill out the Parent Scheduling Survey on the backside of this form and the MSOD Policy Agreement. If choosing to pay tuition in ten equal installments, the first and final installments are due upon registration along with your student’s annual registration fee of $25.
Registrations are not complete and scheduling needs are not considered, nor will your child be placed on a class roll if registration is not accompanied by payment as described above.
Class assignments will be made by August 15th. Classes begin the week of Monday, September 11th. If unable to accept your class assignment, a full refund of tuition installments will be issued by Monday, September 12th , if not earlier. Your registration fee is non-refundable but may be held in credit.
Would your student like to be considered for our Conservatory student sector? _______. If so, you will receive further information regarding this student sector with you class assignment.
OFFICE USE ONLY: First Installment _____ Final Installment _____ Reg. Fee _____
Conservatory Sector ________ Recreational Sector________
Student Name_________________________________
2017 MSOD Scheduling Survey
MSOD attempts to create a class schedule that allows for the majority of students to participate in our program. We have traditionally offered parents the opportunity to declare hard conflicts. Unfortunately many parents have stated days/ time frames that are merely a preference instead of “hard conflicts”. This practice has made it nearly impossible to create a schedule that is workable for our staff and students. This season we are insisting that the survey reflect only “hard conflicts”. Please consider your selections of day and time frames very carefully. Hard conflicts consist of parent work schedules, religious observation, non-custodial visitation, parent educational schedules, transportation, tutoring, and the like. They DO NOT include seasonal sports, piano classes, karate, cheerleading or other activities. Your scheduling requests will not be considered if conflicts are not considered “hard conflicts”. Each scheduling survey will be reviewed before a registration is accepted and no guarantee is offered that your scheduling conflicts will be met.
What is the EARLIEST class time start and LATEST class end time your student can accept on each day of the week? Please note that traditionally, younger students fill earlier class time frames and older students fill later time slots. Mark an “X” on days that you cannot accept any class time.
EARLIEST MON_________ TUE ________ WED _________ THUR _________
LATEST END MON_________ TUE ________ WED _________ THUR _________
Please list your hard conflicts in order of priority.
Day Time Frame of conflict (include travel time) Reason for conflict
If taking multiple classes, would you prefer your student’s classes be “back to back” or on separate days?
Do you have more than one child taking classes? If so, please name the sibling(s).
How far do you travel to attend classes at MSOD?
Would your student prefer to be placed in class with another specific student of similar age and ability?
Other notes:_____________________________________________________________________________
Scheduling survey has been accepted by director. Yes [ ] Needs Re-addressing by parent. [ ]

Murphy School of Dance Student Name_______________________________
2017-2018 Studio Policies
Please initial beside each statement indicating your understanding of each policy. A copy of this form will be kept on file during the time of your student’s participation in our program.
1. If choosing to pay tuition in monthly installments (10), payments are due the first class meeting of each month regardless of the student’s possible absence from that class. ______
2. We do not accept credit cards. Payments may be made in either cash, by check, or money order. ______
3. A late charge of $5.00 per week is charged for each week a tuition payment is delinquent. ______
4. All accounts must be in good standing prior to costume being ordered or comp tickets disbursed. ____
5. Costume payment amount is $60.00 per class and are due by our Thanksgiving holiday break _____
6. If a student misses three consecutive classes without notification to the studio they will be un-enrolled and forfeit their final tuition installment. Final month is also forfeited if the student withdraws after 10/15.___
7. Students are expected to adhere to the studio dress code by the first class of the season. ____
8. Dress rehearsal for our annual recital is mandatory unless excused by the director. ____
9. The Student Code of Conduct is posted on the studio bulletin board and should be reviewed by all. ____
10. Students should not be dropped off at the studio any earlier than 15 minutes prior to class start time and should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of said class. ____
11. Students may choose to participate in our annual fundraiser in order to raise individual credits. This fundraiser is mandatory for all students who have received scholarships in the past. ____
12. Students placed in our most advanced classes are expected to attend additional year-end rehearsals. Please do not accept placement in these classes if you are not willing to make these additional commitments and adhere to our most stringent attendance policy. ____
13. Parents wishing to pay tuition in full for the year by September 18 may take a 10% discount. There is no refund of prepaid tuition; however, we will hold a credit which is transferrable to another student. ____
14. A monthly newsletter will be distributed the first class of each month. It is the parent’s responsibility to read this information. A copy will also be posted on our studio bulletin board. ____
15. The selection of music, costuming, and specialties is at the discretion of the studio director only. ____
16. Parents receive two complimentary recital tickets. MSOD does not assume responsibility for lost or misplaced tickets after distribution. We DO NOT buy back tickets. Additional tickets are $15.00 each. ____
17. Our annual recital is approx. three hours in length. Parents should be aware that their child might be scheduled to perform at any time within that time frame. Do not commit to participation is this is an issue. ____
18. Scene rehearsals take place for two weeks prior to our recital week and that schedule may vary from assigned class times. All students MUST attend required scene rehearsals unless excused by the director. ____
19. Our video photographer and recital photographer are independent contractors and MSOD is not to be held responsible for issues with either entity. ____
20. Dance, like any sport or other physical activity, carries with it the possibility of injury. All students must have personal health insurance coverage. MSOD assumes no liability for student injury. ____
21. Murphy School of Dance is a private institution and reserves the right to dismiss a student for any breach of our Student Code of Conduct or studio policies. ____
22. Murphy School of Dance does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion or the physical/mental ability of its students. Our program is open to all children and celebrates diversity within our community. ____
23. Due to the rising costs associated with the recital venue and technical sub-contractors, a $20.00 per student recital fee will be charged. This fee is due by April 15. ______
24. Responsibility for the oversight of students during dress rehearsal and recital is the responsibility of the parent. lf unwilling to abide by our participation directives for recital, please decline participating. _____
25. Tuition is non-refundable once the first class is taken, regardless of whether paying in monthly installments or annually. Credits are kept on file and may be transferred to another student’s account in our program._____
26. Checks returned for non-sufficient funds will be charged a $20 return check fee. _____
27. Parents are not allowed to enter the teaching rooms during or between instructional class hours. _____
28. You must declare whether your student will be part of our recreational or conservatory sector by 9/15/16.____
29. There is no student or parent observation in the teaching rooms. Observation via lobby is 9/12-11/01. This includes sick or injured students in the class that cannot physically participate.____
30. Students who have entered and withdrawn from our program on 3 previous occassions will be required to pay in full for the year re-enrolling. _____. MSOD is a private business and maintains the right to deny enrollments.