Murphy School of Dance

Who are our Recreational and Conservatory students?
Recreational Student Conservatory Student
Those students who enjoy dance for fun Those most committed and serious
and fitness only. This student may be involved students who may pursue dance on the
in a variety of activities including but not limited collegiate level or those wishing to to dance alone; includes most combination class pursue a pre-professional track. Stricter
students and beginner/intermediate student levels. student expectations are required.
Classes 1-2 generally 3 class minimum
Required Classes no requirement or pre-requisite One class must be ballet technique (very rare exceptions made)
Attendance 6 allowed (of 32) approx. 20% 3 absences allowed (of 32) approx. 10%
Scheduling Considered Preferred Consideration
Dress Code black leotard w/ patch maroon leotard w/ patch
Costumes Limit of $60 per costume Limit of $75 per costume
Rehearsals Scene and dress rehearsal only Scene, dress, and additional scene rehearsal week evening practices
Workshops Not involved May include some travel to workshops, guest teachers, community events, Arts outings, and acting classes
Tuition Our standard rate scale Standard rate in addition of any fees that may be associated with additional opportunities outside of the studio
Apprenticeships Not eligible Student apprenticeships available
Specialties Limited selections Majority of selections from this sector
NOTE: The “sector” a student is placed in (recreational or conservatory) is not at the sole discretion of the director or instructor, but rather, is a decision made by the dancer and his/her parents and based on the criteria as outlined above. Parents of conservatory students will be asked to sign a commitment form stating that they are aware of the additional requirements and standards of this student sector.
Conservatory Commitment Agreement
Beginning with our 2015-2016 school year session MSOD will be reorganizing the structure of our dance program. This restructuring is being done in an effort to better meet the needs and aspirations of our most serious and dedicated students and families. Recognizing the effect that student absences and varying levels of student and family commitment has had on the progress and success of classes, as well as individual student achievement, it is our hope that dividing our program into two distinct sectors will diminish such impacts. Please consider your commitment carefully by reading the criteria below before signing and committing to the conservatory sector of our enrollment.
1. Conservatory students will be held to a higher level of class attendance. Conservatory students will be allowed THREE absences for the session enrolled in (funerals, family weddings, family graduations, student hospitalizations, and required school functions will not be counted against the student). After three absences an additional absence will result in the student being moved into a recreational sector class wherein SIX absences are allowed before a student is un-enrolled in our program. _______
2. Two “tardies” to class (over 10 minutes) will be counted as a absence unless cleared by the director by notification prior to class start time. ______
3. All conservatory students MUST be in compliance with studio dress code (including hair) at every class. Lockers will be reserved for families wishing to utilize them for a modest annual rental fee of $35. _____
4. All conservatory students must take a minimum of three classes weekly with one of the three classes being ballet technique. _______
5. Conservatory students must notify the studio office in advance of an absence. ______
6. Conservatory students will be given several opportunities to participate in additional educational or arts opportunities. Although we encourage participation, it is not required or mandatory. _______
7. Conservatory students may be required to participate in additional rehearsals (i.e., scene rehearsal week evening rehearsals) leading up to our annual recital. Please keep these weeks reserved and agree NOT to schedule family vacations during this important time (May 16 to May 27). _______
8. Conservatory students should consider themselves ambassadors of our studio in public and be an outstanding example to other students in the recreational student sector, therefore, they MUST adhere to our student Code of Conduct without exception. Failure to do so will result in that student returning to our recreational sector or being un-enrolled in our program (depending upon severity of infraction). ______
Parent Signature_______________________________________________ Date ______________________________________
We thank each of you for considering and/or committing to this higher standard and appreciate your patience and support as we develop this new studio initiative this season.
Janis Owl, Director